The Color Picker by Jinsun Park

Color Picker is an innovative design of a concept pen that can scan colors from anything around and instantly use the color for drawing. After placing the pen against an object, the user just presses the scan button.  The color is being detected by the color sensor and the RGB cartridge of the pen mixes the required inks to create the target color. This superb device will help people to observe the changing colors of nature. With color picker, all range of artists will be able to create a more sensorial and visual insight of their surrounding nature’s colors.


color picker 1

color picker 2a

color picker 2

color pen3

This is an awesome technology, but what i really wanted is something that would give out the color code that you pick up, exactly like the color picker  in the adobe photoshop. But this is really a cool gadget. I want this one!

source: tuvie

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