Manila Design Week’s Cubao Experience

Held last August 13, 2009 was Manila Design Week’s bloc party and music art showcase at the Cubao Expo. There were live music by Sandwich, Marcus Highway, Pedicab, Drip,  Pasta Groove, DJ Arbie Wo, and many others. The art exhibits were participated by Mogwai, Pablo Gallery, I Love You Store, Heima, Sputnik, and Whitebox. The event was sponsored by Nokia, Eastpak, Jansport, Sanuk, and Velprint. Here are some photos I have taken during the event (more photos in my facebook).

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(Photo resolution was reduced for easy downloading)

Photography: Athan Humol

All rights reserved.  All contained here are my original photos. These pages are protected by copyright. If ever you want to use the photos, please send me a message.  Hail Athanism!

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