Rubik’s 360


Rubik’s cube inventor,  Ernő Rubik, has come up with a new puzzle called Rubik’s 360.

The 360 is spherical as opposed to cube-shaped, transparent rather than solid, but it’s very, very Rubik’s.

It will take a clever mind to solve it, it has the original 6 Rubik’s colours but it’s more than a logic challenge, you’ve got to develop some skill as well.

When you actually put your hands around the Rubik’s 360 for the first time you can’t let go. You instinctively understand what the game is about and immediately want to start solving it, but first you have to find out how it actually works and how you can defy gravity.

Ernő Rubik with a Rubik's Cube between fingers

Ernő Rubik with a Rubik's Cube between fingers

  • Ernő Rubik invented the Cube in the spring of 1974 in his home town of Budapest, Hungary. He wanted a working model to help explain three-dimensional geometry and ended up creating the world’s best selling toy.
  • Rubik’s inspiration for the Cube’s internal mechanism came from pebbles in the River Danube whose edges had been smoothed away.
  • Rubik called his invention the ‘Magic Cube’. It was renamed the Rubik’s Cube by the Ideal Toy Corporation in 1980.
  • In May 2007, Thibaut Jacquinot of France became the first person to complete the Cube in under 10 seconds in open competition, setting a world record time of 9.86 seconds. The current world record for a single solve was set by Erik Akkersdijk at the 2008 Czech Open with a time of 7.08 seconds.
  • In 2007 the Rubik’s Cube beat stiff competition to be recognised in the annual CoolBrands list by the Superbrands organisation.



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